So, I know I'm not level 100 yet, but I know what I want to do for that level. It is quite simple, and I do believe there should be a post-100 guide for all you looking to get high with a sexy feca~
But now to the point: I have been playing this damn character for months now. Constantly learning new things, tricks, tactics. I hope to distill this vast wealth ofcrap....knowledge in this wonderful:
Stat Points:
It is a common known fact that fecas are very intelligent people. Far more intelligent (and goddamn good looking) than any of your Iops, Sadidas, Ecaflips or Enutrofs.
Here's a key to stat points:
Blue - Raise this naow!
Green - You would definately benefit from scrolling this, and should do so as quickly as possible.
Puke - Only scroll this if you want to. Not essential...
Wisdom: Never raise this stat with your stat points. On any character. Ever. But *do* scroll it to at least 25. Helps you to level up, so this is an important stat to boost when choosing your equipment for leveling in.
Vitality: For PvP, this is a must. For tough monster/boss fights, this is a must. For levelling up, you will experience the beauty of a feca. You don't need much vitality for levelling up in, because most of the monsters you fight cannot actually *hurt* you. This stat can be raised using stat points, though I would advise against raising it much. 50 at max should be enough before it detracts from Int. Go instead, when looking for high vit, for equipment rather than stat points. Work on scrolling it if you really want to.
Strength: Don't raise this stat. Even if you want to be a hybrid strength feca.
Chance: Unless you want to use bubble for the rest of your life, don't raise this. Scrolls are rediculously easy to obtain for up to 25 chance, so use those instead.
Agility: Do not raise this stat with your stat points, instead use scrolls. For it can be useful to be able to dodge roll opponents on many an occasion.
Intelligence: This is your stat. Pump it forever and ever and boosts armour power and attack power, which is what we want to be good at killing stuff, non? Also, raises your initiative by 1.5 per point, meaning you will very often go first against opponents.
I use cloudy attack as my main offensive spell. Because, after burning glyph, cludy is the most powerful feca spell. I use cloudy for the extra damage over natural attack, and it has worked perfectly well for me. Besides, the linearity shall be compensated by the time I go into PvP proper with my secret plan...
The thing to remember about fecas is that armours are key:
Every armour is affected by Intelligence, which is why it's so important to raise that stat. As well as intelligence, each armour is also boosted (less) by its corresponding stat e.g. Wind armour by agility, earth armour by Strength. This means that glowing armour is boosted twice by intelligence. Which means that it's damn awesome.
Feca Spells, and the level you should aim to boost them to:
Blue - Raise this!
Puke - Leave this!
Blindness (Level 1) - Level to 1
This spell can be useful, but don't level it. The use comes from the AP drain, and this is ample at level one. It can prove effective in PvP and monster fights alike...
Natural Attack (Level 1) - Level to 1
The inferior attack spell, except possibly at level 6. Apart from that, non linear and greater range don't make up for weak, weak damage.
Glowing Armor (Level 1) - Level to 5
Reduces Fire Damage. One of the two important shields, as fire based attacks are very common in dofus. Level this to 5.
Spell Rebound (Level 3) - Level to 5
This is a matter of personal choice, eithar max it or leave it. And my choice is level 5. I'll never forget the time I reflected three strength storm attacks that would have definately have killed me otherwise
Aggressive Glpyh (Level 6) - Level to 1
I really can't find any reasonable use for this. The damage is *pathetic*. Leave this well alone.
Armor of Earth (Level 9) - Level to 5
Reduces Earth and Neutral Damage. Your second important shield. This *needs* maxed to lv5.
Cloudy Attack (Level 13) - Level to 5
Ah, an infuriatingly random attack, but one that can hit HARD. (For a feca...)
Aqueous Armor (Level 17) - Level to 3
Reduces water damage. This is not as essential as Glowing or Earth armour. The Ap resistance is nice though, so I would get it to lv3 at least. (Also, the main use is against enutrofs. And a good one can unbewitch you pretty easily, rather negating the effects of armours by removing them.)
Immunity (Level 21) - Level to 4
Get this to level 4. The two turns of indestructability this provides can be a life saver. Level 5 does something...but I can't remember what that is, and it's probably utterly useless.
Wind Armor (Level 26) - Level to 3
Reduces air damage. Still not as useful as Glowing of Earth armour, but again, MP resistances are useful.
Bubble (Level 31) - Level to 1
This is powerful. But the range is weird, and it's water based. A shame really. (You may also notice it goes 3ap at lv5. Don't be fooled, even then, it can only be cast on one player once per turn)
Truce (Level 36) - Level to 1
Levelling this up appears to do absolutely nothing to justify oing so. Leave it, and just use the lv1 spell to buy time in approaching characters, healing temamates etc.
Art of Staff (Level 42) - Level to 1
Boosts physical damages, earth and neutral in translation. This is a guide for intelligence fecas. This spell is useless. The end.
Backlash (Level 48 ) - Level to 1
The base damage on this at lv5 is rediculous...but close combat. So, even if you went strength feca, a weapon would probably be better. And anyway, this is still an intelligence feca guide....leave this alone.
Glyph of Blindess (Level 54) - Level to 1
Useful for random pokes at people's AP. Not really worth levelling, unless you have a spare Spell Point, as at level 2 this glyph can be stacked on top of itself for multiple AP stealage.
Teleport (Level 60) - Level to 5
Our only movement spell. Mediocre range and cooldown, but nonetheless essential to raise. Can be used to run away, or in the trademark feca attack combo. Can also be a *lifesaver*.
Burning Glyph (Level 70) - Level to 5
Most powerful feca spell, and can slaughter groups of monsters or players. The low ap cost is very useful, and the damage even comparable to some (weak~) other classes. Yay!
Feca's Shield (Level 80) - Level to 4/5
This, I am not entirely decided. Level 4 may actually suffice with the shields introduced, and the ability to gain resists from equips. We shall see. Also note, the effectiveness of this spell is greatly reduced after the developers changed the way it works. It gives you elemental resistance, and these take effect after damage reduction by your armour spells. So, say you get hit for 100 through your armour afetr reducing damage by 40 (Ouch!) this spell, at level 4, would reduce the damage by 30%, leaving you hit for 70. Before the change, it would have reduced the attack damage by 30% before it went thorugh your armours, meaning the damage would have been 140 reduced by 30%, , your armour would have reduced damage by 40, and you'd be hit for 58. A big difference.
Paralyzing Glyph (Level 90) - Level to 5
This takes away one hell of a lot of MP. I'd say level 5 it, and get people (And poor, defenceless monsters) stuck on your burning glyph for a bit of fun
It's also the largest glyph in the game(!) And I do quite love it <3
Glyph of Silence (Level 100) - Level to 4
This is a strange glyph. It's the only one to cost 6ap, and at max has a range of 2. I've got a problem here. I don't think it's really going to be very effective due to massive ap resistances of most high level players (Though when it works, it seriously does *work*), so at the most I'll get it to 4. A weapon skill is more a priority for me though.
Special Spells:
Striking - Do not level this spell!
A useful spell, but not worth investing points into. The damage at level 1 is ample for what it's needed for - as a small area effect attack for when you get surrounded.
Weapon Skill - Level one to 5 when possible.
This is essential when you get high levelled, especially if you have chosen to align to Bonta or Brakmar. It increases the power of close combat weapons immensely. Choose the weapon skill to match the type of close combat weapon you want to use! There is usually only enough spare points to level up a weapon skill for one type of weapon.
Cawwot - Hmmmm...
This is really a luxury for higher levels. I'll let you decide what to do with this, because you likely won't have untill far into the game...
Spell raising order:
This changed very slightly from mine. But in my time *remenisces* I was actually able to PvP slightly at lv40-50. How times change. This should prove better to provide you support in levelling fights.
Lv.11 - Max Earth Armour
Lv.21 - Max Cloudy
Lv.31 - Max Glowing
Lv.34 - Lv3 Aqueous Armour
Lv.37 - Lv3 Wind Armour
Lv.47 - Max Spell Rebound
Lv.53 - Lv4 Immunity
Lv.63 - Max Teleport
Lv.73 - Max Burning Glyph
Lv.80+ - Lv4/Max Feca Shield
Lv.90+ - Lv4 Paralyzing Glyph
After that, do what you want with your spell points. Just make sure that you:
*Lv.5 Weapon Skill*
I'll also probably leave my lv.5 Feca Shield till after that, too~
As soon as possible. I'll give you an update on what weapon I chose and how well it performs (Probably not staffs btw). Hell, maybe even an extra guide. Aren't you lucky
Reccomended equipments for levelling:
1-20: Adventurer Set. The classic, and the best. Keep wearing this past 20 to get a good wisdom bonus by using an Agride with it.
20-38: It sacrifices wisdom, but the Gobbal Set provides excellent attack power.
38+: Prespic set can be superb (Especially once you can effectively do moon island. The damagfe reflects on prespic set stop Tikokoko from attacking you and thus stealing your ap
Away from the prespic set, my personal favourite wisdom type items are:
Daudgee - Tons of HP and decent Wisdom. A classic item in my oppinion.
Linegg - Difficult to make, but gives intelligence and wisdom (It looks very cool too~).
Ouginak Cloak - The old favourite. It may be worth it if you can get your hands on one easily, but if you can't...
Desire Ball Cloak - A new cloak, part of the Kryst O' Boul set. Good to use in conjunction with the Kryst O'Boul staff.
Hooded Cloak - As far as I know, the only intelligence cloak that also gives wisdom (and vitality!). Very useful.
Hairy Cloak - The +range on this can be quite useful, but the wisdom stats aren't too high.
Weapons (Can be used in conjunction with prespic set):
Agride - +20 wisdom isn't too bad at early levels. I used one of these right until I got a...
Charm Pruner - Easy to make, and excellent stats. Gives Intelligence and Wisdom.
Kryst O'Boul - Combine this with the Desire Ball cloak for a small set bonus. This staff gives intelligence and wisdom.
Adelus - +damages and wisdom
Rings (Can be used with prespic set):
Xelor's Past - I'm still wearing one of these at level 89. Which is embarrasing...but it's good at lower levels for the +intelligence and wisdom.
Silimelle's wedding ring - Gives lots of wisdom. And that's it.
Dark Treering - Gives up to +20 on every stat. Yummy.
Farles Magic Bracelet - High leveled, but like a dark treering on crack.
Boots (Can be used with prespic set):
(Now I think about it, I've never really worn many wisdom boots...)
Flip Flops - Wisdom and intelligence.
Levelling Guide:
This is definately not definitive. Depending on the amount of people around an area, it could be beneficial to go and level on different mosters. This is just a guide for mobs that give good Exp:
1-5 - The turtorial provides you with the perfect place to get your character a kick start to the game. Kill that damn arachnee!
5-17 - Gobball mobs would seem to be best for this, level 3 gobbs until you get your earth armour just to make sure you don't go dieing ;o
17-28 - As you get aqueous armour, you can go fight mushd. They don't do very much damage either, so level 1 aqueous should be ample defence.
28+ - Apparently, piglets are good exp. They should be very easy once you can stack prespic damage reflects on top of wind armour too. (Please tell me if I've got the whole thing about piglets wrong, I still need to test them out)
40+ - You could probably start out levelling on small Treechnid mobs at the moment, or continue with the Piglets for a few more levels. Also good are Scaraleaf mobs if you can get in a good party.
70+ - You get Burning glyph at 70. This allows you to kill with ease: Treechnid mobs, Blop Mobs and Moon Island mobs (Preferably with kokoko's in them). These give the best exp per hour either due to extremely quick fights, or high exp. Also, try getting in groups for things such as Dreggons or Poachers, as these are superb for levelling on.
Feel free to critique this guide. Is it any help to you? Is my build completely nerfed by its own lameity? Is the guide nigh on unreadable (*Are there any mistakes in grammar)? I want to KNOW!
(I thank all the badass fecas in my guild for shouting at me and making me see sense on a few things. Once or twice. Which I then probably ignored)
This post has been edited by KnightOfNi: Nov 27 2006, 03:16 PM
But now to the point: I have been playing this damn character for months now. Constantly learning new things, tricks, tactics. I hope to distill this vast wealth of
Stat Points:
It is a common known fact that fecas are very intelligent people. Far more intelligent (and goddamn good looking) than any of your Iops, Sadidas, Ecaflips or Enutrofs.
Here's a key to stat points:
Blue - Raise this naow!
Green - You would definately benefit from scrolling this, and should do so as quickly as possible.
Puke - Only scroll this if you want to. Not essential...
Wisdom: Never raise this stat with your stat points. On any character. Ever. But *do* scroll it to at least 25. Helps you to level up, so this is an important stat to boost when choosing your equipment for leveling in.
Vitality: For PvP, this is a must. For tough monster/boss fights, this is a must. For levelling up, you will experience the beauty of a feca. You don't need much vitality for levelling up in, because most of the monsters you fight cannot actually *hurt* you. This stat can be raised using stat points, though I would advise against raising it much. 50 at max should be enough before it detracts from Int. Go instead, when looking for high vit, for equipment rather than stat points. Work on scrolling it if you really want to.
Strength: Don't raise this stat. Even if you want to be a hybrid strength feca.
Chance: Unless you want to use bubble for the rest of your life, don't raise this. Scrolls are rediculously easy to obtain for up to 25 chance, so use those instead.
Agility: Do not raise this stat with your stat points, instead use scrolls. For it can be useful to be able to dodge roll opponents on many an occasion.
Intelligence: This is your stat. Pump it forever and ever and boosts armour power and attack power, which is what we want to be good at killing stuff, non? Also, raises your initiative by 1.5 per point, meaning you will very often go first against opponents.
I use cloudy attack as my main offensive spell. Because, after burning glyph, cludy is the most powerful feca spell. I use cloudy for the extra damage over natural attack, and it has worked perfectly well for me. Besides, the linearity shall be compensated by the time I go into PvP proper with my secret plan...
The thing to remember about fecas is that armours are key:
Every armour is affected by Intelligence, which is why it's so important to raise that stat. As well as intelligence, each armour is also boosted (less) by its corresponding stat e.g. Wind armour by agility, earth armour by Strength. This means that glowing armour is boosted twice by intelligence. Which means that it's damn awesome.
Feca Spells, and the level you should aim to boost them to:
Blue - Raise this!
Puke - Leave this!
Blindness (Level 1) - Level to 1
This spell can be useful, but don't level it. The use comes from the AP drain, and this is ample at level one. It can prove effective in PvP and monster fights alike...
Natural Attack (Level 1) - Level to 1
The inferior attack spell, except possibly at level 6. Apart from that, non linear and greater range don't make up for weak, weak damage.
Glowing Armor (Level 1) - Level to 5
Reduces Fire Damage. One of the two important shields, as fire based attacks are very common in dofus. Level this to 5.
Spell Rebound (Level 3) - Level to 5
This is a matter of personal choice, eithar max it or leave it. And my choice is level 5. I'll never forget the time I reflected three strength storm attacks that would have definately have killed me otherwise

Aggressive Glpyh (Level 6) - Level to 1
I really can't find any reasonable use for this. The damage is *pathetic*. Leave this well alone.
Armor of Earth (Level 9) - Level to 5
Reduces Earth and Neutral Damage. Your second important shield. This *needs* maxed to lv5.
Cloudy Attack (Level 13) - Level to 5
Ah, an infuriatingly random attack, but one that can hit HARD. (For a feca...)
Aqueous Armor (Level 17) - Level to 3
Reduces water damage. This is not as essential as Glowing or Earth armour. The Ap resistance is nice though, so I would get it to lv3 at least. (Also, the main use is against enutrofs. And a good one can unbewitch you pretty easily, rather negating the effects of armours by removing them.)
Immunity (Level 21) - Level to 4
Get this to level 4. The two turns of indestructability this provides can be a life saver. Level 5 does something...but I can't remember what that is, and it's probably utterly useless.
Wind Armor (Level 26) - Level to 3
Reduces air damage. Still not as useful as Glowing of Earth armour, but again, MP resistances are useful.
Bubble (Level 31) - Level to 1
This is powerful. But the range is weird, and it's water based. A shame really. (You may also notice it goes 3ap at lv5. Don't be fooled, even then, it can only be cast on one player once per turn)
Truce (Level 36) - Level to 1
Levelling this up appears to do absolutely nothing to justify oing so. Leave it, and just use the lv1 spell to buy time in approaching characters, healing temamates etc.
Art of Staff (Level 42) - Level to 1
Boosts physical damages, earth and neutral in translation. This is a guide for intelligence fecas. This spell is useless. The end.
Backlash (Level 48 ) - Level to 1
The base damage on this at lv5 is rediculous...but close combat. So, even if you went strength feca, a weapon would probably be better. And anyway, this is still an intelligence feca guide....leave this alone.
Glyph of Blindess (Level 54) - Level to 1
Useful for random pokes at people's AP. Not really worth levelling, unless you have a spare Spell Point, as at level 2 this glyph can be stacked on top of itself for multiple AP stealage.
Teleport (Level 60) - Level to 5
Our only movement spell. Mediocre range and cooldown, but nonetheless essential to raise. Can be used to run away, or in the trademark feca attack combo. Can also be a *lifesaver*.
Burning Glyph (Level 70) - Level to 5
Most powerful feca spell, and can slaughter groups of monsters or players. The low ap cost is very useful, and the damage even comparable to some (weak~) other classes. Yay!
Feca's Shield (Level 80) - Level to 4/5
This, I am not entirely decided. Level 4 may actually suffice with the shields introduced, and the ability to gain resists from equips. We shall see. Also note, the effectiveness of this spell is greatly reduced after the developers changed the way it works. It gives you elemental resistance, and these take effect after damage reduction by your armour spells. So, say you get hit for 100 through your armour afetr reducing damage by 40 (Ouch!) this spell, at level 4, would reduce the damage by 30%, leaving you hit for 70. Before the change, it would have reduced the attack damage by 30% before it went thorugh your armours, meaning the damage would have been 140 reduced by 30%, , your armour would have reduced damage by 40, and you'd be hit for 58. A big difference.
Paralyzing Glyph (Level 90) - Level to 5
This takes away one hell of a lot of MP. I'd say level 5 it, and get people (And poor, defenceless monsters) stuck on your burning glyph for a bit of fun

Glyph of Silence (Level 100) - Level to 4
This is a strange glyph. It's the only one to cost 6ap, and at max has a range of 2. I've got a problem here. I don't think it's really going to be very effective due to massive ap resistances of most high level players (Though when it works, it seriously does *work*), so at the most I'll get it to 4. A weapon skill is more a priority for me though.
Special Spells:
Striking - Do not level this spell!
A useful spell, but not worth investing points into. The damage at level 1 is ample for what it's needed for - as a small area effect attack for when you get surrounded.
Weapon Skill - Level one to 5 when possible.
This is essential when you get high levelled, especially if you have chosen to align to Bonta or Brakmar. It increases the power of close combat weapons immensely. Choose the weapon skill to match the type of close combat weapon you want to use! There is usually only enough spare points to level up a weapon skill for one type of weapon.
Cawwot - Hmmmm...
This is really a luxury for higher levels. I'll let you decide what to do with this, because you likely won't have untill far into the game...
Spell raising order:
This changed very slightly from mine. But in my time *remenisces* I was actually able to PvP slightly at lv40-50. How times change. This should prove better to provide you support in levelling fights.
Lv.11 - Max Earth Armour
Lv.21 - Max Cloudy
Lv.31 - Max Glowing
Lv.34 - Lv3 Aqueous Armour
Lv.37 - Lv3 Wind Armour
Lv.47 - Max Spell Rebound
Lv.53 - Lv4 Immunity
Lv.63 - Max Teleport
Lv.73 - Max Burning Glyph
Lv.80+ - Lv4/Max Feca Shield
Lv.90+ - Lv4 Paralyzing Glyph
After that, do what you want with your spell points. Just make sure that you:
*Lv.5 Weapon Skill*
I'll also probably leave my lv.5 Feca Shield till after that, too~
As soon as possible. I'll give you an update on what weapon I chose and how well it performs (Probably not staffs btw). Hell, maybe even an extra guide. Aren't you lucky

Reccomended equipments for levelling:
1-20: Adventurer Set. The classic, and the best. Keep wearing this past 20 to get a good wisdom bonus by using an Agride with it.
20-38: It sacrifices wisdom, but the Gobbal Set provides excellent attack power.
38+: Prespic set can be superb (Especially once you can effectively do moon island. The damagfe reflects on prespic set stop Tikokoko from attacking you and thus stealing your ap

Away from the prespic set, my personal favourite wisdom type items are:
Daudgee - Tons of HP and decent Wisdom. A classic item in my oppinion.
Linegg - Difficult to make, but gives intelligence and wisdom (It looks very cool too~).
Ouginak Cloak - The old favourite. It may be worth it if you can get your hands on one easily, but if you can't...
Desire Ball Cloak - A new cloak, part of the Kryst O' Boul set. Good to use in conjunction with the Kryst O'Boul staff.
Hooded Cloak - As far as I know, the only intelligence cloak that also gives wisdom (and vitality!). Very useful.
Hairy Cloak - The +range on this can be quite useful, but the wisdom stats aren't too high.
Weapons (Can be used in conjunction with prespic set):
Agride - +20 wisdom isn't too bad at early levels. I used one of these right until I got a...
Charm Pruner - Easy to make, and excellent stats. Gives Intelligence and Wisdom.
Kryst O'Boul - Combine this with the Desire Ball cloak for a small set bonus. This staff gives intelligence and wisdom.
Adelus - +damages and wisdom
Rings (Can be used with prespic set):
Xelor's Past - I'm still wearing one of these at level 89. Which is embarrasing...but it's good at lower levels for the +intelligence and wisdom.
Silimelle's wedding ring - Gives lots of wisdom. And that's it.
Dark Treering - Gives up to +20 on every stat. Yummy.
Farles Magic Bracelet - High leveled, but like a dark treering on crack.
Boots (Can be used with prespic set):
(Now I think about it, I've never really worn many wisdom boots...)
Flip Flops - Wisdom and intelligence.
Levelling Guide:
This is definately not definitive. Depending on the amount of people around an area, it could be beneficial to go and level on different mosters. This is just a guide for mobs that give good Exp:
1-5 - The turtorial provides you with the perfect place to get your character a kick start to the game. Kill that damn arachnee!
5-17 - Gobball mobs would seem to be best for this, level 3 gobbs until you get your earth armour just to make sure you don't go dieing ;o
17-28 - As you get aqueous armour, you can go fight mushd. They don't do very much damage either, so level 1 aqueous should be ample defence.
28+ - Apparently, piglets are good exp. They should be very easy once you can stack prespic damage reflects on top of wind armour too. (Please tell me if I've got the whole thing about piglets wrong, I still need to test them out)
40+ - You could probably start out levelling on small Treechnid mobs at the moment, or continue with the Piglets for a few more levels. Also good are Scaraleaf mobs if you can get in a good party.
70+ - You get Burning glyph at 70. This allows you to kill with ease: Treechnid mobs, Blop Mobs and Moon Island mobs (Preferably with kokoko's in them). These give the best exp per hour either due to extremely quick fights, or high exp. Also, try getting in groups for things such as Dreggons or Poachers, as these are superb for levelling on.
Feel free to critique this guide. Is it any help to you? Is my build completely nerfed by its own lameity? Is the guide nigh on unreadable (*Are there any mistakes in grammar)? I want to KNOW!
(I thank all the badass fecas in my guild for shouting at me and making me see sense on a few things. Once or twice. Which I then probably ignored)
This post has been edited by KnightOfNi: Nov 27 2006, 03:16 PM
==== About Dofus ====
Dofus is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Ankama Studio, a French computer game manufacturer. Dofus is set in the world of Amakna, which is an anagram of Ankama. Its success led to the marketing of by-products, like books, and with the development of two continuations: Dofus Arena, a tactical online multiplayer game, released at the beginning of 2006, is an alternative "tournament" version of Dofus; and Wakfu which is currently in preparation and should be released by the end of 2007.
Dofus is a role-playing game in which players create characters that serve as their avatar in the online world. The player can choose from twelve different classes, one of which is reserved for subscribers.
One can lose easily thanks to the hard monsters.
Combat is played out "turn by turn" on squared charts. Within a turn, each player can advance 3 squares and use up to 6 "attack points", used to cast spells. The AP (attack points) and MP (movement points) can be increased in later evolution of the character, by using certain equipment.
When a character dies, they lose a specific amount of money and energy that is able to be regained while sitting in a tavern before logging off, or by using certain objects. If all of your energy is exhausted, you will take the form of a ghost which will be used to very slowly reach a statue of a phoenix, where it will be able to resurrect your character and regain a part of its vital energy (1000 points). A character's maximum energy is 10,000, but this can be raised upon reaching certain orders within an alignment. There is a possibility that a priest (who is another play who has reached this rank) will return the fallen player to the "human form" with a portion of their energy, usually in exchange for some Kamas.
Characters can join and form guilds, which make it possible for the members to speak with each other, to coordinate each other, set up a tax collector to take sales/taxes carried out by the players who are not members of the guild, or to steal the objects dropped from monsters at the end of a fight.
A system of alignment makes it possible to take part in a war between the cities Bonta (City of the Angels) and that of Brakmar (City of the Demons), in the form of a players versus players mode (PvP). Since the 1.13 update, points can be gained from these fights, and hence a PvP scene developed. The third alignment, named Sériane-Kern (represented by wings made of wood and fabric), makes it possible to remain neutral and to carry out contracts provided by other players. However, this alignment is only available on the first server, Jiva.
A new update in the game makes it possible to breed Dragoturkeys. This makes it possible to go twice as fast compared to running. As such, there are breeding enclosures available to players to breed their mounts.
There are twelve different classes. The choice of class determines which spells your character will receive, as well as how much characteristic upgrades will cost. The class names are inside jokes amongst the developers, often (but not always) referring in some way to the abilities of the class. For example, the Xelor class which uses time magic in combat, derives its name from Rolex, a watch manufacturer.
* Sadida's Boots ("Adidas" backwards) - Nature-influenced direct damage and voodoo doll summoning.
* Eniripsa's Hands (Aspirine, the French spelling of "Aspirin") - Specialized in healing and invoking spells to increase the abilities of their allies.
* Iop's Heart (named for Yop yogurt drink, a developer in-joke) - Attack-based class with many powerful spells, however they have short range.
* Cra's Range (Arc, French for "bow") - Archer class specializing in bow and arrow attacks that have long range to attack enemies from far away.
* Feca's Shield (café, French for coffee, another inside joke) - Defensive magic user, usually the last man standing in a fight.
* Sacrier's Blood (sacrifice + crier; the French name is sacrieur, sacrifice + rieur, "one who laughs") - Attacks based on sacrifice and self-damage to deal more powerful attacks.
* Osamodas' Whip (Sado-Maso{chism}) - Summoner class that can call creatures to its aid.
* Ecaflip's Coin ("pilface" is a shortened form of "pile ou face", which means "tails or heads") - Gambler class whose attacks are powerful but can backfire and harm the player.
* Enutrof's Fingers (Fortune) - Treasure seeker class that starts off weaker in battle but finds dropped items at a faster rate.
* Xelor's hourglass (Rolex) - Masters of time, able to delay or speed up units in battle by taking or adding Action Points (AP) to enemies and/or allies.
* Sram's Shadow (Mars Bar, yet another inside joke) - thief/assassin class, specializing in different types of hidden traps, invisibility and powerful close combat.
* Pandawa's pint (Padawan or Panda Warrior) - While sober, they're a support class, carrying allies around the battlefield and lowering enemies' elemental resistance. When drunk, they become formidable close-range fighters, with reduced movement but powerful attacks and damage reduction. This class is available only for paid players(p2p).
According to a post on this topic on the official forums, Feca, Iop, and Sram were the first three classes created, so the developers named them after their favorites among the various snacks they enjoyed while making the game, and the names have nothing to do with the classes themselves.